Register for our upcoming online and in-person presentations

2025 Tomorrow’s World Presentations     

In 2025 we are pleased to be able to provide an expanded series of Tomorrow’s World Presentations. These will include our popular “online” series, as well as a number in “in-person” presentations in communities across Canada.

Upcoming Events:


January 24

Discovering the Doctrine of the Resurrections


February 21

The Prophecy Hidden in the Biblical Holy Days


March 21

Should You Trust the Bible?


April 4

The Origin of the Rite of Baptism

Online In-Person

London, ON - April 25

Does God's Law Apply Today?

Online In-Person

Vancouver, BC - May 3

Does God's Law Apply Today?

Online In-Person

Calgary, AB - May 23

Characteristics of the Original Church that Jesus Founded

Online In-Person

Toronto, ON - May 24

Characteristics of the Original Church that Jesus Founded


Kelowna, BC - June 7

Doctrine and Prophecy of the Millenium


Mississauga, ON - June 21

Doctrine and Prophecy of the Millenium

Past Presentations
Watch our past presentations

To view past presentations please click on the banner above or the link below.


Featured Booklets

What Happens When You Die

By Richard F. Ames

Is death the end of human existence? Will you be reincarnated? Will you "roll around heaven all day" with nothing to do for eternity? The amazing, encouraging truth of the matter is unknown to most people, yet it is found in the pages of your Bible! God has a plan for all of humanity—and a very special reward in store for today's true Christians! What happens when we die, according to the Bible?

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The Holy Days: God's Master Plan

By Roderick C. Meredith

What are the most important days on the Christian calendar? Most would say Christmas and Easter. But the first followers of Jesus Christ observed NEITHER of these days. They followed Christ's example and observed the SAME Holy Days that Jesus Christ Himself observed! The Holy Days are not obsolete "Jewish" observances, but in fact picture, in sequence, the destiny God has planned for ALL humanity. God Himself ordained these Holy Days for ALL of His people to observe.

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